Tuesday 22 December 2020

Trump orders new federal buildings must be beautiful henceforth

US President Donald Trump has issued an order that future federal buildings across the country must be "beautiful", and preferably built in a classical Greek, Roman, or similar style.

The executive order says too many federal buildings reflected "brutalist" designs of the last century.

It says new government buildings should look more like America's "beloved" landmarks such as the White House.

Although traditionalists will welcome the move, many others are unhappy.

The American Institute of Architects said it "unequivocally opposes" the initiative.

The order - titled "Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture" - creates a new council to advise the president on future federal buildings.

"New federal building designs should, like America's beloved landmark buildings, uplift and beautify public spaces, inspire the human spirit, ennoble the United States, command respect from the general public, and, as appropriate, respect the architectural heritage of a region," the order reads.

Welcome To Ladun Liadi's Bloghttps://www.ladunliadinews.com/2020/12/trump-orders-new-federal-buildings-must.htmlhttps://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjH3uKTiGKZC8mST1hE3i0N8sfWxNqdyfkXfE3Xm2IeFkO-bxKB4RJYjNeV9iOvZGenrt9Iu0SNbThCrk2TfNXYmg3h9Mxaj4ad9vEaoAgquZn1GWarB_XDBG677ge3LdncaaknVTylRU8/w400-h225/Trump+orders+new+federal+buildings+must+be+beautiful+henceforth.jpg

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