Tuesday 29 December 2020

Makeup artist transforms lady into popular actress, Chika Ike

Did you just say Nigeria is still learning? Say it again make I hear, lol.

Honestly, we have to credit these people. With the little resources they are exposed to compared to other makeup artists in the developed world, we have to give it to them.

Are you still saying she just tried? Wait till you see the client. Oya continue...

Welcome To Ladun Liadi's Bloghttps://www.ladunliadinews.com/2020/12/makeup-artist-transforms-lady-into.htmlhttps://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgsrAHoe-TJwqmvmPw5FwaX4SU1N-nJxZl-uBC_41eY9zUhr65IPhGZlzVHiZyePYsSCnKo-4flE6mCfKKToXIr7kwc1Lx2Gm5XSN7nxQ36jI5vgYwELeyAQ8-8wm-dntWGY4uNlXJpV3U/w400-h400/Makeup+artist+transforms+lady+into+popular+actress%252C+Chika+Ike.jpg

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